Example of tracking a lead conversion: // userId is the id from the grouping service when a // user creates an account or logs in LeadTracker.recordLead(userId, { email: userEmail, }); Example of tracking a purchase: window.LeadTracker?.recordPurchase(userId, { email: billingAddress.personPrimaryEmail, firstName: billingAddress.personFirstName, lastName: billingAddress.personLastName, phone: billingAddress.personPrimaryPhone, store: storeName, exchangeId: storeExchangeId, purchaseCode: orderToSave.id, purchaseAmount: { currencyCode: 'USD', value: amount, }, items: products.map(product => { return { id: product.id, description: product.name, amount: { currencyCode: 'USD', value: parseFloat(product.price), }, } }) }); RESPECTED DOCTORS FORM COALITION IN SUPPORT OF LEGALIZATION
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While cannabis has developed into a national discussion and a talking point in the presidential elections, a group of physicians has come out in support of medical and recreational marijuana legalization, as well as decriminalization.

Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (DFCR) cites multiple studies and data sets to back up their logic, which centers around the public cost of prohibition being far too much compared to legalization.

“As the public recognizes that cannabis prohibition clearly causes more harm than good.” DFCR’s website states, “Now is the time for physicians to begin advocating for effective government regulation of cannabis.”

The group also provided polling information on their site from a 2015 Medscape survey. Seventy percent of doctors who were surveyed believed marijuana has potential medical benefits, but only one percent have ever tried cannabis. For those physicians who have never tried marijuana, the results were almost an even split between legalization and continuing prohibition.

“We call upon physicians and medical associations to promote cannabis regulation as an alternative to prohibition. Once supplied with the evidence, even physicians who vigorously oppose cannabis use may logically advocate its legalization for adults.” said the site.

This announcement adds to the growing interest in legalizing marijuana. Some polling data indicates almost 60 percent of the United States supports the legalization of marijuana. The numbers for medical marijuana support are even stronger with almost 90 percent of Americans in favor of medical marijuana programs under a doctor’s supervision.

“You don’t have to be pro-marijuana to be opposed to its prohibition,”

DFCR founder David L. Nathan said to the Washington Post. Despite the support for legalization, only 9.5 percent of Americans use marijuana regularly, whether for recreational or medical purposes. This indicates many Americans are willing to support legalization whether or not they consume cannabis.

“Doctors should affirmatively support this,”

said Nathan. “If you’re going to make something against the law, the health consequences of that use have to be so bad to make it worth creating criminal consequences. That was never true of marijuana. It was banned in 1937 over the objections of the American Medical Association (AMA).”

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